Les 15 : Bestrijd Het “London Systeem” [17-feb’25]

[ les 19:15 – 19:45 lesson ]

Het London Systeem is een populaire opzet voor Wit die makkelijk te leren is en lastig te bestrijden. In deze les wordt een agressief en effectief antwoord voor Zwart gegeven : 2…c5! Dit leidt vaak tot allerlei tactische wendingen waarvan je op de hoogte moet zijn.

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4

[ see the video below for the complete game ]

Here many moves are possible, all about equal in strength but with different ideas :

2...c5 *** the most challenging, because the Queen can join the battle : on b6 she will attack d4 and b2.

Now several good moves are possible :


In the game another move was played :

3.c3? *** this move seems logical, but now it's hard for White to equalise. Here Black has several options, all about equal in strength but with different ideas :

3...cxd4 *** our continuation.

4.cxd4 Qb6 attacks pawn d4 and more importantly pawn b2, which is no longer defended due to the London move Bf4. White has several options to defend b2, but they all have their drawbacks, e.g. 5.Qc2? Nc6! (5...Qxd4? 6.Qxc8!#)

5.b3 *** the most natural move to defend pawn b2, but it gives weaknesses of the black squares on the Q-side; when Black can do Bf8-b4+, White can no longer block that check by Nc3. To advance the pawn e7, Black can play e7-e5 but better start with Nc6 to facilitate that move :

5...Nc6 *** this move has no downside because the pawn d4 is attacked.
6.e3 *** the most logical continuation, but :
6...e5! *** Now White is already almost lost.

7.dxe5 Bb4+
8.Nd2 *** in fact the only move to defend the check.

8...Ne4 *** this move is pretty obvious : this kNight was attacked and it saves itself by attacking the pinned Nd2.
9.Nf3 *** in fact the only move to cover Nd2.

Now Black can do a typical move, which you should know :


Because to increase the pressure upon a piece, you can add attackers of remove defenders.

10.Bxg5? *** now Black can win a piece by Bxd2, but Black has already sacrificed 2 pawns and he has a better continuation :

10...Nxe5! *** this way Black regains a pawn and he will still win a piece because whenever White does Nxe5 he will lose the Queen. Note that in these positions Black can play Qa5 with double attacks, it's a highly tactical battle.

11.Be2 *** How should Black continue to gain advantage ?

11...Nxf3+ *** to eliminate the defender of Nd2.

Now, 3 moves are winning for Black : Nxg5, Bxd2+ and Nxd2. How should Black win efficiently and not let White stay in the game ?

13.Qxd2 Bxd2
14.Kxd2 Qa5+! *** this double attacks the King and Bg5, which will be captured on the next move.

After this Black should be able to quickly finish the game, it’s a “technical win”.